To celebrate the release of Toxic Asset (Episode #2 of Neutrinoman & Lightningirl: A Love Story), Episode #1, Meteor Attack! is free over on Noisetrade.
It’s free. It’s fun. These books are a blast to write and a blast to read. Check it out!
One quick thought on why I love these stories: they tickle the hell out of the boy in me, let the die-hard romantic in me come out and play, and even please the serious, yet sometimes goofy adult in me. They hit me on so many levels (could explain why I’m spending so much time on them).
Links and more links:
- Meteor Attack! for free on Noisetrade (for a limited time, through 10/31)
- Meteor Attack!: Start reading now. Where to buy.
- Toxic Asset: Start reading now. Where to buy.
- Other blog posts about this series.