April 14, 2018

Seeing Forever is Out!

Maybe you can tell from the above image, I’m very excited about the release of Seeing Forever. Today is launch day, where this baby goes out into the world for you all to read. If I could put on a firework display to celebrate, I would.

There is something I can do to celebrate. I’ve extending pre-sale pricing on the Amazon ebook a few more days. It’s $2.99 right now but goes up to $4.99 soon. If you want the deal, go get it now.

This story started out quite innocently. I started writing what I thought would be a short story about a man who had transferred his consciousness to a computer and was pondering whether his “life” was still worth living (thematically similar to several short stories I published as part of Life After: Stories of Life, Death, and the Places In Between). That was in February of 2014, and this story took on a life of it’s own and the world grew, the themes got rich, and a tantalizing mystery unfolded (I write much like a reader reads–I usually don’t know how it’s going to end, and I certainly didn’t here).

As it went in 2013 and 2014, I got a ton of first drafts written, but not much finished and then some difficult times came and finishing long projects just wasn’t possible for a few years. Then, in 2017, I pulled out this book and two others that I had forgotten a lot of the details about (One of them, Of Things Not Seen, came out last year). While my wife cooked, I would sit in the hallway and read them to her (something we both love). While reading Seeing Forever and those other books with several years of distance, much like a reader, I found that I loved the stories and had to get back to serious writing, and absolutely needed to get these books out. Those three long-set-aside books convinced me to start writing seriously again.

It’s taken a long time to get here, but I am so glad you can read this story now. It’s an investigation of humanity, friendship, love, loss, and what makes a life worth living. While it’s sci-fi, if you’ve read any of the books in my “A Ghost’s Memoir” series (Shuffled Off, To Be a Fool, and Of Things Not Seen) you will be right at home with the themes and will likely enjoy the different perspective science fiction allows.

Here’s all the details on the book. If you do read it, please let me know what you think.

Where to buy:

Not sure yet, you can start reading for free:

And last but not least, a big shout of thanks to the people that helped make this happen. They’re all listed in the books acknowledgment but I would be remiss if I didn’t mention my amazing wife Aleia who always supports these creative endeavors, and my Publishing Assistant, Elizabeth, who has helped make the release of Seeing Forever worthy of the fireworks above.

And thanks to you for following along on this journey. If you do pick up Seeing Forever, I hope you enjoy it!



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Robert J. McCarter

Robert J. McCarter is the author of more than ten novels and over a hundred short stories...... learn more

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