Star Date: February 23, 2019

Greetings Readers! We have been very busy campers this month, mostly shoveling snow and keeping up with our new puppy, Olivia. First though, as the Camp Activities Specialist, I have nudged our author to make a slight change on Facebook. Currently, Robert has a Facebook Group, named “The Totally Official (and very fun) Robert J. McCarter Author Group.” After much discussion about the trials and tribulations of social media; a desire to reach more readers through gentle audience building; not wanting to bug people or be marketing gorillas; and the different levels of commitment it takes to join a group versus “liking” or “following” a page, we decided to set the Group aside for a while and create an Author’s page. If you are a Group member already, thank you for being part of the adventure. I hope you will hang with us via “liking” and/or “following” the new page. If you are not part of the Group but enjoy Robert’s writing and want to keep up with his projects via Facebook, you can simply visit the new page and do the same. We hope this new approach will widen the reach a little bit without being pesky.
Our first Campfire Tale, “The Pearce Shoot Out” is still out to market. Meanwhile, based on your campfire cues from the last survey, Robert has begun work on the second Tale. It looks like he will be writing a mystery with a man/boy superhero as the protagonist that loves to say bazinga and catywampus!! Other words he will try to include are anthropomorphic, peculiar, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, obelisk, and benignity.
We’re excited to start the next Campfire Tale cycle! You are now invited to click on over to Survey Monkey where you can offer your campfire cues. It will take less than a minute unless you must REALLY ponder your choices. For this cycle, Robert is offering a genre mash-up! Here are three questions to answer as follows:
- Choose one of these genres: Sci-Fi or Fantasy or Contemporary
- Choose one of these genres: Mystery or Romance or Action/Adventure
- Choose one word that must be used in the story
For questions 1 and 2 the most popular answers will be mashed up for the story (such as Sci-Fi/Romance or Contemporary/Mystery). For question 3, he will use as many words as possible that fit the story. The Survey Monkey will be open until March 9th so visit soon and pitch your ideas.
As always, if you have a question or comment, please leave it below. Happy Reading.