July 27, 2019

Camp Activities Specialist Bulletin #7

Star Date: July 27, 2019

Greetings Readers,

Summer Camp here in Flagstaff has been busy and it’s finally quite hot. Yes, the dog days of summer are here. Our pups are so hot that they only want short walks these days. Teddy got a summer haircut from a professional groomer and he looks adorable. Olivia has been daily shedding the last of her winter coat. They love to play and sometimes cuddle. Here they are in Teddy’s pre-haircut snuggle that Olivia initiated and Teddy seemed to enjoy.

Here’s this month’s skinny on Campfire Tales. First and foremost, this project now has its own landing page where you can learn about the history of this project and see how your Campfire Cues have inspired our author to write short stories, novelettes and more. Feel free to send folks there who you think might want to read these stories.

Here’s short version Campfire Tales update:

  1. Campfire Tale #2, The Mystery at Molas Pass is available now. You can grab it for free and sign up for Robert’s monthly newsletter in one step! {Please note that we don’t share your info with anyone, anywhere.}
  2. Campfire Tale #3 is entitled A Hollywood Kind of Murder. This Walter Anchor mystery is a part of a series that will be released as a collection later this year. It is almost finished and will be going out to market soon
  3. Campfire Tale #4 is entitled Chupacabra, a Conner Bright Mystery. Your cues for Tale #4 included a Big Event (murder) and a Small Event (kiss).  Conner is a colorful detective with an Aussie flare. He has a propensity for delving into mysteries that are full of fantasy and mythical creatures. Stay tuned!
  4. You can leave your Campfire Cues for Tale #5 at the Survey Monkey until August 9, 2019. Get in on the fun and challenge Robert to write a new story using cues from the following:
    1. a setting for story (island, space station or lair)
    1. the antagonist (alien, clown, or shapeshifter)
    1. a single verb of your choice (some verbs so far include materialize, flummox, procrastinate).

In other news, I am also the Post-Zombie Apocalypse Reporter and President of the Woody and June Fan Club. Join the club; it’s free and fun. If you do, you’ll get the first two episodes of the Woody and June series FREE.

If you have not done so yet, please visit Robert’s new Author Page! As always, if you have a question or comment, please leave it below. Happy Reading.

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