My story “Dog People” is out in Snot-Nosed Aliens: Stories from Pulphouse Fiction Magazine.
This is a new story, one I wrote in January when my wife and I were up in the Grand Canyon for her birthday. We had gotten there right before eight inches of snow fell on the canyon and were there after the storm and saw the canyon at its most beautiful.
We were also between dogs, it having been about six months since we lost Madison. We were still missing her so very much and I had been taking some of my thoughts about dogs and what they mean to us and putting them into stories.
I had one week to write this story for this anthology as part of a workshop I went to.
Well, take the location, the dog obsession, and the topic “snot-nosed aliens” and this story popped out.
As I was writing, I just kept chuckling to myself I was having so much fun. Aleia kept asking me what I was laughing about. Well she soon found out, I read it to her before I turned it in, and she loved it.
And, interestingly, while I was writing this story we decided to adopt Olivia. Neither of us had had a puppy for about 30 years, so it’s been quite an adventure. Not like the one in this story, but an adventure nonetheless.
I don’t want to give anything away, suffice it to say you’ve never read an alien story like this one.
This caps off my truly amazing week of story releases. First, Woody and June versus Phantom Company, then “Daisy’s Heart”, and lastly “Dog People.”