June 3, 2020

😜 Stir Crazy Stories: Toxic Asset 🤪

I have no words for what’s going on right now in our world (writing this in early June, 2020), at least ones that seem useful. Except be kind. We are all on this planet together and kindness seems needed more than ever.

The book choice for this slot was made before the particular madness descended, but it somehow feels right. “Toxic” is a good way to describe our current situation.

And while I don’t think that giving away some books will change the world, I am hopeful it will provide some escape and relief.

Toxic Asset is the second book in the Neutrinoman and Lightning: A Love Story series. Action. Adventure. Romance. It’s a fine way to escape for a few hours.

(As of this writing the first episode, Meteor Attack! is free too, so you can really get into the series.)

All the details are on the Stir Crazy Stories page at robertjmccarter.com/stircrazystories. I’ll be keeping that page up to date as this program continues.

Stay safe and stay sane out there, and be kind to each other!

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Robert J. McCarter

Robert J. McCarter is the author of more than ten novels and over a hundred short stories...... learn more

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