August 28, 2020

Neutrinoman & Lightningirl: Season 2

With the series I write, I always think of them in terms of the wider story arc, and in the case of Neutrinoman and Lightningirl in terms of Seasons.

I call them “Seasons” for a reason. There is a larger story being told across all the episodes. And, yes, “Season” and “Episode” sounds like a TV show on purpose. It’s the way I think of this. These three books (Off Book, Hard Times, and Elemental Factors) move the broader story arc along and put our heroes in a very different place and (hopefully) leave you all wanting more.

This is a big book. The print edition clocks in at over 480 pages. There’s a ton of action, adventure, and the continuing love story of Nik and Licia.

The subtitle of this series is “Neutrinoman and Lightningirl: A Love Story” for a reason too. The first season tracked pretty well with a standard romance (meet cute, problems along the way, a hopefully happily every after), but Season 2 goes past that and looks at the relationship as it matures and changes and grows.

Honestly the whole love story thing is why I got into this series. I am so lucky to be with the same amazing woman for thirty years now (wow!) and I think the standard romance leaves a lot of the better parts of a long relationship out.

So, Season 2 is out today! It’s also on sale for a great price (there are three books in there). The blurb is below, but here’s the essential data.

  • The ebook is on sale for $2.99 in the US for the next few weeks. This is a great price compared to the individual books if you haven’t gotten into it.
  • The print edition will be out soon. It’s a deal too, but not as much as the ebooks. That big page count ups the cost.
  • If you have’t tried the series yet, the first episode ebook, Meteor Attack! is free when you sign up for my newsletter.

And here’s the blurb:

Everything will change…

Nik Nichols (aka Neutrinoman) and Licia Lopez (aka Lightningirl) face their greatest challenges yet with an impossible mission, a forced separation, and new, unexpected enemies at every turn.

With their secret identities revealed and their relationship with the military souring, will they find the strength to keep saving the world and stay in love? Can they form a team powerful enough to meet the looming alien threat?

From the author of Woody and June versus the Apocalypse comes Season 2 of Neutrinoman and Lightningirl: A Love Story, including Off Book, Hard Times, and Elemental Factors. A fun, romantic, superhero adventure unlike anything you’ve ever read before

Get a copy now!
Learn about all the books in the series.

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