I’m going to apologize in advance because I’m going to be a little vague here. There is a good reason, I promise.
Every year for the last three years, WMG Publishing has done their innovative Holiday Spectacular. It’s a program where for 38 days from November 25 to January 1, they will send you a brand-new holiday-themed short story. It is, basically, an advent calendar filled with holiday stories.
Each story is a surprise. I don’t even know when my story will be appearing on the calendar, which is part of the fun. And this is why I’m going to be vague here. Frankly, if I even told you the title of my story it would give a bunch away so I won’t do that.
I can tell you a couple of things about my story:
- It’s an adventure story and a ton of fun.
- It takes place on a holiday you are likely very familiar with but celebrated in a totally unique way.
- It’s part of one of my series.
- And… it’s so much fun (I think I said that already).
This program is created and edited by Kristine Kathrine Rush, who has won awards for both writing and editing. I was happy to be in the first Holiday Spectacular and am thrilled to have a story in this year’s program, particularly this story.
I’ll stop being vague and tell you that there is a Kickstarter going on right now for the Holiday Spectacular 2021 (Kickstarter is a crowd funding platform if you aren’t familiar). This isn’t the only way to sign up, but they throw in a ton of extra goodies for the Kickstarter so it’s the best way to sign up.
If you like the holidays and you like short stories, please check it out!