July 2, 2022

Gossamer Ghosts

I’m trying to figure out a simple and clear way to categorize this new story, but it’s not easily done. Let me try. “Gossamer Ghosts” is:

  • Set during and after an apocalypse
  • An alien invasion story (but not the usual kind of alien invasion story)
  • A ghost story (but not my usual kind of ghosts, this is sci-fi not fantasy)
  • A story of redemption and reconciliation
  • A contemplation on the concept of “karma”
  • Part of a series, “Gossamer Threads” appeared in Anomalous Readings: Thirteen Curious and Confounding Tales

See. It’s hard to pin down, which is probably why it’s a good fit for Pulphouse Fiction Magazine’s just released Issue #18!

To give you a better feel for this story I’m thinking of giving it a subtitle of “A Story from an Unusual Apocalypse” once I published it as a stand-alone.

I won’t go on trying to explain the story, it is best experienced. If you’ve read “Gossamer Threads” you know the apocalypse I’m speaking of, but this story takes place before that one and isn’t connected in any way except for the world and the time they both take place in.

Go check it out. As usual, you’ll get a bunch of great (and unusual) stories in Pulphouse Fiction Magazine!

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Robert J. McCarter

Robert J. McCarter is the author of more than ten novels and over a hundred short stories...... learn more

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