There are many ways to mark the passage of a year. As a storyteller, it seems appropriate to take a look at the stories of mine that came out in a year. Each one is a victory. It’s not easy to land a story with an editor and it’s not easy to find the courage (and the time) to put your own stuff out there.
So here is the year 2022 in terms of my stories.
I just love that title–how the hell does a root canal and a tango go together? “The Root Canal Tango” manages that and appeared in Pulphouse Fiction Magazine, Issue #16 . Read more.
I’ve got a couple of “Gossamer” stories now. I’m calling them “Stories from an Unusual Apocalypse.” You have to read this one to understand; it’s really different. It appeared in Pulphouse Fiction Magazine’s, Issue #18. Read More.
“Writing Until the End”
I’m pretty pound of this story. Gilded Glass: Twisted Myths and Shattered Fairy Tales is an anthology of myths and fairy tales and “Writing Until the End” is a writer’s myth. This story is the last story in the anthology, making it the taste readers are left with when they are done with the book. Pretty cool! Read more.

Woody and June versus the Apocalypse, Volume 2 Kickstarter
Finally tried out Kickstarter. I love the platform (and support all kinds of campaigns) and wanted to find a way to get the entire Volume 2 of Woody and June versus the Apocalypse out to readers all at once. It worked out pretty well. Thanks to everyone who supported it. More Kickstarter coming in 2023.
Woody and June versus the Chase
This is the first episode in Volume 2 of Woody and June versus the Apocalypse. Rolling out one episode at a time post-Kickstarter. Read more.
This story about a cursed object that transports the holder back to Tombstone in 1881 often felt cursed with numerous times it almost sold. So glad it finally found a home in Pulphouse Fiction Magazine’s, Issue #19! Read more.
Woody and June versus Two Guns
Continuing the rollout of Woody and June versus the Apocalypse, Volume 2. Two Guns is a real place east of Flagstaff with a strange, dark history. Read more.
This is one of those Woody and June episodes where I was just chuckling to myself as I wrote it. I do terrible things to Winslow and the corner made famous by the Eagles. Read more.
This sweet and surprising ghost love story made its second appearance in Pulphouse Fiction Magazine, Issue #21. Read more.
Woody and June versus the Infection
The penultimate episode of Volume 2 takes on the dreaded zombie infection itself. Things are only going to get crazier from here! Read more.
So, there’s 2022 for you. It’s in the rearview and working on 2023 now. More Kickstarters, more books, and a lot more stories!