2023 was an interesting year for short stories. On one hand I wrote a lot of them, on the other hand, not many came out. There are various reasons for this, the biggest one being that Pulphouse Fiction Magazine was on hiatus.
All that said, here are the stories of mine, short and long, that came out in 2023. Even though I’m very late with this installment, this is my fifth year in a row doing this, and you can see all the previous years.

Woody and June versus the Seige
This is the last episode in Volume 2 and boy do things start to get strange–in the best way possible! No spoilers, but what happens here really sets this series apart and leads directly to what happens in Volume 3 (coming out right now). Read more.

Woody and June versus the Apocalypse, Volume 2
The omnibus edition of Volume 2 of Woody and June versus the Apocalypse, finally lands! This series is so much fun. Read more.

I’ll always be very fond of this story. It was the first time I got paid for a story when it appeared in Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #58. It’s also quite the adventure! Read More.

I am delighted that “Just Another Pinball Wizard” appeared in Of Wizards and Wolves: Tales of Transformation. This book is honoring one of my writing teachers and is a particularly fierce tale (one of my rare horror stories) and definitely has something to say. Read more.

“Gossamer Threads” was orginally published in Anomalous Readings: Thirteen Curious and Confounding Tales. Here it gets its very own stand-alone version. It was followed by another story in my very unique series of post-apocalyptic tales. Read More.

Destoryer of Carterville Kickstarter
I launched my second Kickstarter for the second book (and third written) in the Carterville Mysteray series. Read more.

And here’s “Gossamer Ghosts,” the second story in a very unusual apocalypse. This was first published in Pulphouse Fiction Magazine, Issue #18. Read more.

Contemporary Musings: Sixteen Contemporary Stories from a Sci-Fi Writer
After two years, I finally released another shorty story collection. While these stories are not my usual sci-fie and fantasy stories, I think these are some of my best short fiction. Read more.

“Death by Cookie” was reprinted in Three Sheets to the Wind. How can I not be tickled to be in anthology with other ghost stories? I do write a lot of these, after all. Read more.

“With Light Years Between Us” was reprinted in Destination Tomorrow or Yesterday. This is an interesting story; it mixes hard sci-fi (Einstein’s theory of special relativity, no less) into a very human story. Read more.

“Wild and Wise” is the second story in my Hollow Earth series. After appearing in Explorers: Cutter’s Final Cut, Issue Three, it got a stand-alone version as several more stories in this 1890s adventure series are about to roll out. Read more.

With the Kickstarter over, Destroyer of Carterville, the second book the Carterville Mystery series, went out to the world. I believe this is the best book I’ve written of this type (a complicated mystery with lots of action). Read more.

The Blood of Carterville, Second Edition
Because I wrote this series out of order (The Blood of Carterville was the first book I wrote, but is now the third in the series), I needed to go back and make some revisions. Read more.

Woody and June versus the Apocalypse, Volume 3 Kickstarter
That’s right, two Kickstarters in one year. What was I thinking??? That I just LOVE this series! That must be it. Read more.

To round out the year, I finally got a holiday story out in time for a holiday, Thanksgiving in this case. “A Hollow Earth Thanksgiving” is the third story in my Hollow Earth series and it first appeared in A Weird Holiday Season: A Holiday Anthology. Read more.
So that’s 2023 in stories for me. Having stacked them all up, I guess that was a pretty good year for stories!