Anomalous Readings

Thirteen Curious and Confounding Tales

Thirteen Stories, Curious and Confounding 

  • Jack Who Works the Beanstalk Read Excerpt 
  • The Dour Mr. M.
  • The Last Flight of the Acurus
  • Designation Null
  • Imaginings
  • Death by Starlight
  • Gossamer Threads
  • Memories of the Breakers Read Excerpt
  • Lights, Camera, Cthulhu!
  • Caffeine and Dimples
  • Connor Bright and the Case of the Purple Unicorn Read Excerpt
  • For a Horse Named Corwin
  • The Judgment of Edward Tillingham
Explore the Curious and Confounding...
with thirteen new and previously published stories by Robert J. McCarter, including:
  • A gritty sci-fi / western featuring a genetically modified talking horse
  • A karmic sci-fi apocalypse haunted by the “ghosts” of the dead
  • An old-fashioned story of survival in space, with a twist
  • A man who erases memories, desperate to remember something important

These stories by Robert J. McCarter are different, strange. They are the anomalies, the divergences from his usual storytelling. Darker. Stranger. Weirder.

Genres span the spectrum from a contemporary tale of a cowboy detective in Arizona hiding from his past, to a human judge in an AI controlled far-future sci-fi world, to a fantasy story about a man seeing silent ghosts in the forest who are trying to tell him something.

Featuring "Designation Null," a finalist in the Writers of the Future Contest, and twelve other stories, embark on a unique adventure with Anomalous Readings.

About RObert J. McCarter

Robert J. McCarter is the author of more than fifteen novels and over one hundred and fifty short stories. He is a regular contributor to Pulphouse Fiction Magazine and his short fiction has also appeared in The Saturday Evening Post, Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, Everyday Fiction, and numerous anthologies.

Robert writes in a variety of genres from contemporary fantasy to science fiction and just about everything in between. His diverse background–including a career in software engineering, growing up on a ranch riding horses, and acting–colors the stories he tells.

He lives in the mountains of Arizona with his amazing wife and his ridiculously adorable dogs

© 2018, Robert J. McCarter

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