An Alien Encounter
It’s not easy being Neutrinoman or Nik Nichols for that matter. He’s got a lot on his plate. Continuing alien attacks aimed directly at him, Toxicwasteman trying to recruit him into his band of villains, and Licia/Lightningirl keeping her distance. But wait until his identity is revealed on national news and he encounters an alien he calls “Sarah.”
When these enemies come fact-to-face, neither of them are what the other expected. This is going to change everything–provided they can survive.
The third part in a series, Protocol X, documents the continuing adventures of Neutrinoman and Lightningirl, as told by Nik Nichols himself.
What Readers are Saying About Protocol X
“The third one was the best one yet!”
“I’m really starting to care about the characters… Well paced, good highs and lows, fun action.”
“The characters are great!”
Praise for the Series
“Love—the best superpower! Enjoy a witty fun adventure as your heart strings are tugged to play a hauntingly familiar love song.”
“Perfect balance between sci-fi, humor, and romance.”
“Mostly I love the ‘heart’ that Mr. McCarter imbues his characters with…” read more
“This was a surprisingly, visual, sweet, exciting page turner! A great read!”
“Loved it, loved it, loved it. I’m a major sucker, though, for a good love story. You had me emotionally involved from the get-go.”
“Beautiful love story draped in outrageous humor. Romantic comedy at its best.”