Three... Two... One... Launch!
Reviewers Wanted
Hi, my name is Robert J. McCarter and I'm looking for some honest reviews of my latest book, Seeing Forever (more about the book below) which will be out in April of 2018. Sign up and you'll get an eARC (ebook Advanced Reader Copy) of the book. RIGHT NOW!
You'll be put on a special email list for my Launch Team. We'll email a few times as release comes close to remind you about the review and with a special offer on print versions of the book. We'll also give you some ideas on how to get the word out about Seeing Forever. If you're here, I expect it's because you know my work and like it, so spreading the word should be natural. The Launch Team is very low pressure, do what feels right to you.
You'll also be added to my email newsletter, which comes out about once a month with news on releases, deals, and giveaways.
Don't worry, you can leave the email list at any time.
I hope you'll join us.
Bellow is the back cover copy Seeing Forever. If it looks like your kind of book, sign up for the Launch Team and start reading now.
Thanks for your help!
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Paul Cruz is no longer human. He’s a Singular, his consciousness technological, no longer biological. He was there at the beginning and helped ensure the survival of all the Singulars. Free from the limits of flesh and blood, he wanted to live forever, but now that he’s lost what he cares about the most, forever is too long, much too long.
After suspending himself for decades, he is about to enter a virtual world called “Home” to take one last look around. But Home is not what he expected and what he finds will change everything.
When is forever too long?
From Robert J. McCarter, author of Shuffled Off: A Ghost's Memoir, comes an unforgettable sci-fi novel of life, loss, and love beyond the biological.
© 2018, Robert J. McCarter