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Neutrinoman and Lightiningirl: A Love Story 

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  • Use the following links to go to and leave your review:  Meteor Attack!, Toxic Asset, Protocol X, or Season 1 (Episodes 1-3)
  • If the next episode is available, I'll get it off to you with a few days in either epub or mobi format.
  • If the next episode is not out yet, I'll send it to you as soon as it is, and you'll be the first to read it!
  • I really do want an honest review, no kidding. It can be short and sweet, nothing fancy, in your own words.
  • No strings attached, Whether you review the book you receive for free is completely up to you.

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It's simple, really. I love these books and think you will too. Your reviews help spread the word and as part of the team, I'm happy to send along the next episode for free.

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