😜 Stir Crazy? 🤪

Here’s some free ebooks. No email required.  No strings attached.

These are crazy and unique times with the COVID-19 pandemic. I hope you are all staying safe and sane. I can’t do much about then safe (except encourage you social distancing and practice it myself) but maybe on the sane side I can do something. Free books with no strings attached, no email required. Help yourself. Tell your friends

More coming every week or two as long as we are all cooped up. Watch this space or find me over on facebook or twitter.

Stay safe and stay sane!

   Robert J. McCarter

Meteor Attack! is free through 4/18/2020 

KoboBNDirect DownloadAmazon.com ($0.99*), and Everywhere else

* Amazon makes free kinda hard. If you have a kindle, choose the “Direct Download” option to get the book for free